Track Details

of Mysore on 30/12/2023

Outer Sand Track

Raaz (Rb) in 45s. Easy.
Code Of Honour (Gautam Raj Urs) in 40s. Worked well.
Myra's Prince (Rb) in 40s. Shaped well.
Seoul (Gautama Raj) in 40s. Moved nicely.
Stone House (P K Rai) in 41s. Shaped well.   
Catalina (Rb) in 44s. Handy.
Gabriella (P K Rai) in (600m) 45s. Freely.
Lucky Point (M Shahid) in 41s. Shaped well.   
Square The Circle (M Shahid) in 44s. Freely.
Ferratti (Rb) in 40s. Moved freely.
Herodotus (Prabhu Kumar) in 44s. Freely

Impulse (Rb) in
Crimson China-Enuston (Saravan) in 45s. Pair level. Both were easy.

Arigato (Rb) &
Confident Game (Rb) in 38s.Pair level. Both moved fluently.

The Golden Sunrise (Rb) &
Master Of The Skies (Rb) in 44s. The former was easily 2 lengths ahead.

City Of Hustle (M Shahid),
Proud (Rb)  &
Only A Star (Rb) in 41s. They were almost level.

Ignorance Is Bliss (M Shahid) in 52s; (600m) 38s. Impressed.

Hand Of God in 1-14s; (800m) 58s; (600m) 43s. Fit.
White Lies in 1-10s; (800m) 54s; (600m) 41s. Shaped well.  
D Roman Reigns (Rb) in 1-14s; (800m) 55s; (600m) 39s. Worked attractively.
Antinori (Rb) in (1000m) 1-15s; (800m) 57.5s; (600m) 40s. Shaped well.      
Golden Bird (Rb)  in 1-12s; (800m) 54s; (600m) 38s. An excellent display.
Elle Va (Rb) in 1-15s; (800m) 1-0s; (600m) 44s. Handy.
Nishk (Prabhu Kumar) in (1000m) 1-12s; (800m) 55s; (600m) 41s. Shaped well.  
Koala (Rb) in 1-8s; (800m) 52s; (600m) 39s. Shaped well.   

Lucky Sun (Rb) &
D Golden Cup (Rb) in (1000m) 1-12s; (800m) 55s; (600m) 39s. Pair level. Both worked attractively.

Hasting Sunrise (Rb) in 1-25s; (1000m) 1-7s; (800m) 53s; (600m) 40s. Shaped well.
Rooby Woo (Rb) in 1-30s; (1000m) 1-12s; (800m) 58s; (600m) 43s. Moved nicely. 
Stich In Time (Sarvan) in 1-27s; (1000m) 1-5s; (800m) 51s; (600m) 38s. An excellent display.
Wild Spell (Rb) in 1-25s; (1000m) 1-9s; (800m) 54s; (600m) 40s. Shaped well.   

City Of Hustle (M Shahid) & 
Proud (Rb) in 1-24s; (1000m) 1-8s; (800m) 53s; (600m) 39s. Pair level. Both worked attractively.

Tracer Bullet (Rb) &
Seolfor Bullet (Rb) in 1-26s; (1000m) 1-8s; (800m) 53s; (600m) 38s. Pair level. Note both.

Imperius (R Akthar) &
Flash Bond (Saravan) in 1-24s; (1000m) 1-7s; (800m) 52s; (600m) 38s. The former was 3 lengths ahead. The former worked attractively.    

D Gold Star (Rb) in 1-40s; (1200m) 1-24s; (1000m) 1-9s; (800m) 55s; (600m) 40s. Fit.