Track Details

of Delhi on 10/12/2023

Inner Sand Track  

Alex (Varun) in 28s. Moved freely.
Little more (Rb) in 30s. Moved freely.
Gunpoint (Rb) in 28s. Moved on the bit.
Miss Zoya (Rb) in 31s. Moved freely.
Anglia (Aman) in 31s. Moved freely.
Shes A Beauty (Shivam) in 30s. Easy.
Friday (Ankit) in 28s. Moved fluently.
Mafia Time (Varun) in 28s. Moved freely.
Master Van Dyck (Riazuddin) in 28s. Moved fluently.
Knotty So KNotty (M B Qureshi) in 31s. Moved freely.
Master Zelenko (R Saini) in 31s. Moved freely.
Hukamori (Aman) in 28s. Moved fluently.
Stride away (Rb) in 30s. Moved freely.
Jet Sukhoi (Parvesh) in 30s. Moved freely.
Party Dreams (Shivam) in 29s. Moved on the bit.
Mr Christopher (Rb) in 31s. Moved freely.
Bonita (Aman) in 28s. Moved fluently.
Belly Dancer (K narender) in 28s. Moved on the bit.
Bread N Butter (Mohan) in 31s. Moved freely.
Eliminator (Parvesh) in 28s. Moved fluently.

The Mentalist (Faizan) &
Lovely Thoughts (Amjad) in 27s. Pair level. Both moved fluently.

Miss Ruffina (Riazuddin) &
Master Multitude (R Saini) in 31s. Pair level. Both moved easy.

2yrs Ashwa Nirja (K narender) &
Ashwa Harbir (M B Qureshi) in 31s. Pair level. Both were easy.

Niche Storm (Rb) &
Golden Sun (Dhanu) in 29s. Pair level. Both were handy.

The Ranger Boy (Rb) &
Shwetamber (Aman) in 31s. Pair level. Both were handy.