Track Details

of Mumbai on 31/12/2023

Inner Sand Track

Tarzan (Rb) in 39s. Shaped well. 
Dream Seller (R Ajinkya) in 38s.Fit.
Ultimo (R Ajinkya) in 39s. Shaped well.
Dowsabel (K Nazil) in 38s. Handy.

Eloquent (Zeeshan) &
Silver Steps (Rb) in 39s. Pair level. Both moved well.

Fast Approach (Neeraj Rawal) in 54s; (600m) 41s. Freely.
The General (T Atul) in (800m) 50s; (600m) 37s. An excellent display.  
Juliana (Bhawani Singh) in 54s; (600m) 41s. Freely.
Fontana (Kaviraj Singh) in 54s; (600m) 40s. Freely.
Nobility (Dhebe) in 57s; (600m) 42s. Handy.
Kariena (T Atul) in 51s; (600m) 38s. Worked attractively. 
Caliph (Bhawani Singh) in 51s; (600m) 39s. Shaped well. 

Flashman (S Mosin) &
Celestina (T S Jodha) in 54s; (600m) 40s. Pair level. Both moved nicely.

Picasso (Trevor Patel) &
Vincero (P Chouhan) in 56s; (600m) 42s. Pair level. Both were handy. 

Asprian (Neeraj Rawal) &
Doron (N Bhosale) in 55s; (600m) 40s. Pair level. Both moved nicely.

Fortune Teller (S Sunil) &
Magneto (Amyn Merchant) in 54s; (600m) 41s. The former was easily a distance ahead.

Cinderella's Dream (Amyn Merchant) &
Toofaan (S Sunil) in 52s; (600m) 39s. The former was a distance ahead. The former moved nicely.

Des Marquis (C Umesh) &
Chamonix (P Chouhan) in 1-10s; (800m) 55s; (600m) 41s. Pair level. Both moved nicely.

Jendayi (Trevor Patel) &
Cordelia (P Chouhan) in 1-8s; (800m) 54s; (600m) 40s. Pair level. Both moved nicely.

Lazarus (C Umesh) &
King's Retreat (Trevor Patel) in 1-9s; (800m) 55s; (600m) 41s. The former was easily 1 length ahead.