Track Details

of Mumbai on 29/12/2023

Inner Sand Track

Gangster (T S Jodha) in 36s. Shaped well.    

Mysteriousstranger (Santosh) & 
Thrill Of Brazil (Malam) in 42s. Pair level. Both were handy. 

Golden Glow (Hamir S) in 53s; (600m) 39s. Shaped well.
Athenian (S Kamble) in 59s; (600m) 40s. Moved freely.
Chopin  (Neeraj Rawal)  in 53s; (600m) 40s. Moved freely.
Generosity (Kirtish Bhagat) in 55s; (600m) 41s. Moved freely.
Hela (Rb) in 56s; (600m) 42s. Was handy.
Sloane Square (Mustakim Alam) in 57s; (600m) 42s. Moved on the bit.
The Panther (P Chouhan) in 56s; (600m) 42s. Easy.

Perfect Light (Mansoor) &
Set Ablaze (Saba) in 54s; (600m) 40s. The former was easily 2 lengths ahead.

Empower (Mosin) &
Liam (Shinde) in 51s; (600m) 38s. Pair level. Both worked attractively. 

Helsinki (Haridas Gore)  &
Sandman (Visha N Bunde) in 55s; (600m) 41s. Pair level. Both were easy.

Storm Cloud (Mustakim Alam) &
Mighty Thunder (Aniket) in 52s; (600m) 39s. The former was distance ahead. The former worked attractively. 

Begatti (P Chouhan) & 
Capucine (J Chinoy) in 56s; (600m) 42s. Pair level. Both were easy. 

Golden Goose (Mustakin) &
Fantastic Flare (Aniket) in 54s; (600m) 41s. Pair level. Both moved freely. 

Racing Romance (Kirtish Bhagat) &
Jade (C Umesh) in 57s; (600m) 42s. Pair level. Both were handy.  

Floyd (T S Jodha) in 1-5s; (800m) 51s; (600m) 38s. Moved nicely.

Decacorn (N S Parmar) in 1-23s; (1000m) 1-8s; (800m) 54s; (600m) 40s. Easy.
West Brook (J Chinoy) in 1-20s; (1000m) 1-6s; (800m) 52s; (600m) 39s. Impressed.