Track Details

of Mumbai on 24/12/2023

Inner Sand Track

Comaneci (Rb) in 41s. Easy.    
Mazal (Rb) in 39s. Moved fluently.               
Chat (K Nazil) in 40s. Easy.    
Divine Thoughts (Rb) in 39s. Moved fluently.      
Dexa (Visha N Bunde) in 41s. Easy.    

Saifa (K Nazil) &
Chardikala (S A Amit) in 39s. The former was 3 lengths ahead.  The former moved fluently.   

Fast Approach (Haridas Gore) in 54s; (600m) 40s. Easy. 
Dreamseller (Ajinkya) in 52s; (600m) 39s. Worked attractively. 
Ultimo (Ajinkya) in 53s; (600m) 40s. Easy.                 
Cellini (Shinde) in 49s; (600m) 38s. Impressed.   
Tarzan (Rb) in 55s; (600m) 42 s. Moved freely.
Reminiscence (Kirtish Bhagat) in 52s; (600m) 38s. Impressed.    
Generosity (P S Chouhan) in 54s; (600m) 40s. Easy.
Judy Blue Eyes (Zeeshan) in 52s; (600m) 38s. Good.     
Marlboro Man (T S Jodha) in 56s; (600m) 42s. Moved freely.     

Celestial (C Umesh) &
Asprian (Neeraj Rawal) in 55s; (600m) 41s. The former was 2 lengths ahead. The former moved freely.     

Cinderella's Dream (Amyn Merchant) &
Cipher (K Nazil) in 55s; (600m) 41s. Pair level. Both moved freely.    

The Panther (P S Chouhan) &
Doron (Kirtish Bhagat) in 55s; (600m) 41s. Pair level. Both moved freely.    

King's Retreat (C Umesh) &
Fontana (N Bhosale) in 55s; (600m) 40s. The former was 2 lengths ahead. The former moved freely.    

Mumtaz (Kirtish Bhagat) &
Vincero (P S Chouhan) in 56s; (600m) 42s. Pair level. Both moved freely.   

Applause (Y Srinath) &
San Salvatore (Bhawani Singh) in 54s; (600m) 41s. Pair level. Both moved freely.    

Racing Romance (Kirtish Bhagat) &
Jade (C Umesh) in 52s; (600m) 39s. Pair level. Both worked attractively.

Galloping Ahead (Rb) in 1-6s; (800m) 54s; (600m) 41s. Easy.     
Capucine (N Bhosale) in 1-10s; (800m) 56s; (600m) 42s. Moved freely.     
Supernatural (P S Chouhan) in 1-7s; (800m) 53s; (600m) 40s. Easy.