Track Details

of Bangalore on 21/12/2023

Outer Sand Track

Daiki (Antony Raj) in 46s. Handy.    
Monterio (S John) in 44.5s. Moved nicely.    

Pneuma (Antony Raj) in 1-30.5s; (1000m)  1-15s; (600m)  44.5s. Moved freely.      
Rieko (S John) in 1-26.5s; (1000m)  1-11.5s; (600m)  42.5s. Worked attractively.

Gate Practice 

Inner Sand Track

Kamet (Antony Raj) &
Inspire (S John) in 1-37s; from 1400m to 600m 52.5s. The former was 8 lengths ahead. Both jumped out well.    

Western Aristocrat/Expect (Trevor Patel) &
Sir Cecil/Angels Glory (Aliyar) in 1-35s; from 1400m to 600m 53.5s. The former was 8 lengths ahead. Both jumped out well.

Philosophy (Antony Raj) &
La Reina (D Patel) in 1-33.5s; from 1400m to 600m 53s. The former was a distance ahead. Both jumped out well.    

Foi (V R Jagadeesh) &
Quick Witted (R N Darshan) in 1-46s; from 1400m to 600m 58s. The former was 3 lengths ahead. Both jumped out well.