Track Details

of Delhi on 14/12/2023

Inner Sand Track

Tesoro (Abdul) in  15s. Easy.
Wandering Angel (Rb) in 15s. Moved smoothly.
Sane Azeem (Rb) in 14s. Moved freely.
Kings Crezy (Sunny) in  14s. Moved freely.
Master Zelenko (Riazuddin) in 14s. Moved freely.
Master Cowboy (R saini) in 13s. Moved fluently.
Daring Diva (Rb) in  13s. Worked attractively.   
Mr Christopher (Ankit) in 12s. Moved smoothly.
Osibisa (Mohan) in 15s. Moved freely.

Rinku Romeo (Ankit) &
Party DReam (B R Kumar) in 13s. The former was 3 lengths ahead.

Mister Ed (Ankit) &
Friday (B R Kumar) in 13s. Pair level. Both moved fluently.

Cashier (Arjun) &
Khalifa (Jai) in 12s. Pair level. Both moved fluently.

Top Secret (Ramandeep) &
Lodgekeeper (Kundan) in 13s. Pair level. Both moved fluently.

Bison (Kundan) in 31s. Easy.
Chain of Thoughts (Naresh) in 27s. Worked fluently.
captain Falcon  (Sunny) in 27s. Worked fluently.
Perfect Blend (Kundan) in 26s. Worked attractively.
Gunpoint (Rb) in 28s. Moved smoothly.
Rose On The Planet (K narender) &
Sincerly Yours (Rb) in 30s. Pair level. Both were handy.

2yrs Net Whiz-Glorious Lady (Ankit) &
2yrs Saamind-White House (Rb) in 30s. Pair level. Both were easy.

2yrs Mull of Kintyre/Serrafina ( Kundan) &
2yrs Basem Isola Bella (K narender) in 27s. Pair level. Both moved fluently.

Mock race

Ashwa Tejveer (Shekhawat), 
Anglia (Vivek), 
Ashwa Frankie (Dhanu) and
and Ashwq marya ( M B Qureshi) in 1-28.365s. Won by1-3/4, 1-3/4, Distance. 

Ustadji (Arjun), 
Accumulate (Ranjeet), 
Black Dragon (Shaliyar),
Asharfi (Praveen) and
Loving Dream (Varun) in 1-31.277s. Won by3-1/4, 6-1/4, 6-1/4. Distance.