Track Details

of Mysore on 11/12/2023

Outer Sand Track

First Impression (P Kiran Rai) in 42s. Moved freely.      
Money Exchange (Rb) in 42.5s. Moved freely. 

Rose Bloom (Rb) &
Confident Game (Rb) in 45s. Pair level. Both moved freely.

Gate practice


Aurele (Samundar Singh),
Astrologer (A Bandaal) &
May Bury (Madhusudan) in 1-20s. They were separated by 6 Lengths & neck. All jumped out well.

Michelle Pride (P Kiran Rai) &
Many Moons (Abhishek Mhatre),
Royal Title (C Bramesh) in 1-16s. They were separated by 1-1/2 & 5. All jumped out well.

Break Away (Rahil Akthar),
Military Barbie (Riding Boy) &
Brocston (Md Imran Ashraff) in 1-20s. They were separated by Distance & Neck. All jumped out well.    

Good Luck Bro (Afsar Khan),
Trump Baby (Samundar Singh),
Aaradhana (Akash Agarwal) &
Win For Me (A Bandaal) in 1-18s. They were separated by 5 lengths, 5 lengths & 6 lengths. All jumped out well. 

Queen Of Comebaks (Md Imran Ashraff),
Veera (Riding Boy),
Red Capri (M Shahid),
Polar Queen (Riding Boy),
Armament (Abhishek Mhatre) &
Stinger Javelin (Faiz) in 1-21s. They were separated by 1/2, 3/4, 1-1/2 & distance. All jumped out well.