Track Details

of Mysore on 10/12/2023

Outer Sand Track

Aurele (Samudar Singh) in 44s. Moved smoothly.
Morganite (Madhusudan) in 43s. Moved smoothly.
Trump Baby (Rb) in 45s. Moved freely.    
Athulya (Md. Mushraff) in 44s. Moved freely.        
Only a Star (Rb) in 45s. Moved freely.        
Shooting Venus (G. Umesh) in 45s. Moved freely.
Sheeba (Akash Agarwal) in 37.5s. Fit.    
Dornish (Afsar Khan) in 38s. Moved fluently.                  
Top Rank (Rb) in 41.5s. Moved fluently.      
Gemini (A.Bandaal) in 39s. Shaped well.    
Roadrunner (Rb) in 43.5s. Moved smoothly.    
Eddie the Eagle (K. Rajesh) in 39.5s. Fit.    
Natural Speed (Rb) in 40s. Shaped well.    

City of Hustle (Rb) &
City of Gravitas (Rb) in 39.5s. The former was easily 1 length ahead.

D United (P. Kiran Rai) &
Tiger Zinda Hai (Angad) in 45s. Pair level. Both moved freely.     

Coyote Girl (J. Paswan) &
Imperious (G. Umesh) in 42s. Pair level. Both moved freely. 

Contributor (Madhusudan) in 1-0s; (600m) 42s. Easy.                
Reap the Bounty (A. Bandaal) in 57.5s; (600m) 41s. Moved fluently. 
March to Victory (Madhusudan) in 54s; (600m) 38s. Worked attractively.      
Catalina (Md. Imran Ashraff) in 54.5s; (600m) 37.5s. Impressed.
Kushaq (Rb) in 1-11s; (800m) 53s; (600m) 39s. Moved fluently.     
Musanda (Rb) in 1-9.5s; (800m) 53s; (600m) 38s. Worked attractively.    

Golden Throne (Rb) &
Feronia (Rb) in 58s; (600m) 40s. The former was easily 5 lengths ahead.

Achook (Rb) in 1-9s; (800m) 55s; (600m) 41s. Un-Extended.
Ruby Woo (Rb) in 1-11s; (800m) 55.5s; (600m) 40.5s. Moved fluently. 
Stone House (P. Kiran Rai) in 1-13s; (800m) 56s; (600m) 39.5s. Un-Extended.
Miracle Honey (T. Pavan) in 1-13s; (800m) 55s; (600m) 39s. Moved fluently.                  

Calypso King (Akash Agarwal) &
Country's Fame (Samundar Singh) in 1-10s; (800m) 52s; (600m) 37.5s. The former was 2 lengths ahead. The former has portrayed an excellent display.      

Viva La Vida (Samundar Singh) &
Against All Odds (Akash Agarwal) in 1-6s; (800m) 50s; (600m) 38s. Pair level. Both worked attractively.    

Star Speck (Rahil Akthar) &
Miss China (G. Umesh) in 1-12s; (800m) 56s; (600m) 41s. Pair level. Both moved nicely.    

Aabushan (Faiz) &
Oasis (Rb) in 1-9s; (800m) 53s; (600m) 38s. Pair level. Both worked attractively.    

Sarvottam (Md Imran Ashraff) in 1-26s; (1000m) 1-5s; (800m) 51s; (600m) 37s. An excellent display.                  
Good Luck Bro (Rb) in 1-30s; (1000m) 1-14s; (800m) 58s; (600m) 43s. Moved freely.     

Rare Silk (Faiz) &
Cavarozzi (Rb) in 1-26s; (1000m) 1-11s; (800m) 55s; (600m) 38s. The former was 1 length ahead. The former has portrayed an excellent display.