Track Details

of Bangalore on 09/12/2023

Outer Sand Track

Phoenomenon (Antony Raj) in 43s. Moved fluently.    
English Bay (M Mark) in 45.5s. Easy.    
Treasure Chest (M Mark) in 43s. Moved fluently.     
Del Mar (Rb) in 43s. Stretched.                
Royal Mysore (Antony Raj) in 45.5s. Was handy.    

Maybach (Tousif Khan) &
Bowen (M Mark) in 45.5s. Pair level. Both moved freely.    

Dallas Drifter (Rb) &
Phoenix Surprise (Rb) in 46s. Pair level. Both moved freely.

She`S A Lady (Rb) in 1-16s; (600m) 46s. Easy.    
Lady Godiva (Chethan Kalay) in 1-14.5s; (600m) 45.5s. Moved nicely.    
Balor (M Mark) in 1-14.5s; (600m) 43s. Stretched.        
Seventh Samurai (Antony Raj) in 1-15s; (600m) 44.5s. Stretched.                
Czar (Antony Raj) in 1-11s; (600m) 44s. Moved fluently.     
Aldiva (S John) in 1-15s; (600m) 45s. Moved nicely.
Anadale (Rb) in 1-16s; (600m) 46s. Easy.    

Win Legend-Winged Foot (Antony Raj) &
Yannick (S John) in 1-14.5s; (600m) 45s. Pair level. Both moved nicely.

Run For The Sun (Antony Raj) in 1-28s; (1000m) 1-12s; (600m) 42s. An excellent display.    
Golden Legend (S John) in 1-30.5s; (1000m) 1-14s; (600m) 44.5s. Stretched.        
Greeley (Rozario) in 1-30s; (1000m) 1-15s; (600m) 45s. Was handy.        

Paradise Beckons (Rayan Ahmed) in 1-46s; (1200m) 1-30s; (1000m) 1-16s; (600m) 46s. Moved on the bit.    

Stravinsky (Rb) &
Pharazon (Rozario) in 1-45s; (1200m) 1-30s; (1000m) 1-15.5s; (600m) 45s. Pair level. Both moved nicely.

Splendido (D Patel) &
Regal Aristocracy (Antony Raj) in 1-59.5s; (1400m) 1-41.5s; (1200m) 1-26.5s; (1000m) 1-12s; (600m) 43.5s. Pair level. Both moved fluently. 

Inner Sand Track

Triumphant (B L Paswan) in 1-22s; (1000m) 1-8s; (600m) 40s. Moved fluently.