Track Details

of Calcutta on 27/11/2023

Outer Sand Track

Roudy (J H Arul) in 33s. Moved on the bit.
Yuvi (V Jaiswal) in 33s. Very easy.    
Sporting Trainer (V.Jaiswal) in 32s. Freely.
White Roses (S Zervan) in 33s. Very easy.
Gazino (V. Jaiswal) in (400m) 32s. Freely.                

2yro Leitir Mor - Alexandra Mills (Rb) &
Validated (Rb) in 32s. Pair level. Both were handy.

Mr Humble (V Jaiswal) in 49s; (400m) 31s. Was handy.    
Dubai Flame (Afzal Khan) in 49s; (400m) 32s. Freely.    
Almas (V Jaiswal) in 51s; (400m) 33s. Freely.    

Misty Grey (V Jaiswal) in 1-3s; (600m) 48s; (400m) 32s. Was handy.
Rhapsody in Green (Md. Akram) in 1-2s; (600m) 48s; (400m) 29s. Moved smoothly.

Zuma (P Tejeshwar) &
Ganadora (Rb) in 1-2s; (600m) 48s; (400m) 32s. The former was easily a distance ahead. 

Inner Sand Track

Dubai Gold (Afzal Khan) in 1-14s; (800m) 59s; (600m) 45s; (400m) 31s. Pushed.