Track Details

of Mysore on 22/11/2023

Outer Sand Track

Perfect Empress (P Kiran Rai) in 43.5s. Moved fluently.    
Squanto (P Kiran Rai) in 43s. Worked well.    
Michelle Pride (P Kiran Rai) in 42s. Shaped nicely.
Doc Martin (Faiz) in 43s. Moved freely.    
Biometric (Md Imran Ashraff) in 37.5s. Fit.    
Meadow Flower (Rb) in 44s. Worked well.    
Anushtubha (J Paswan) in 40 Fit And Well.    
Beautiful Bloom (T Pavan) in 45 Fit And Well.    
Imperious (Rb) in 45s.  Moved freely.        
Flamingo Dancer (J Paswan) in 40s. Moved fluently.    
Raaz (Rb) in 40s. Shaped nicely.    
Brilliant Light (P Kiran Rai) in 44s. Easy.    
O Manchali (Md Imran Ashraff) in 38.5s. Shaped nicely.    
Furious Fun (T Pavan) in 39.5s. Shaped nicely.                
Coyote Girl (Rb) in 41s. Moved fluently.    
Free Spirited (Rb) in 44 Improving.    
Warrior Woman (J Paswan) in 43s.  Moved freely.    
Antinori (Rb) in 41s. Fit    
Stone House (P Kiran Rai) in 43s. Shaped nicely.    

Brockston (Rb) &
Beloved One (Rb) in 41.5s. Pair level. Both shaped nicely.

The Artery (Rb) &
Square Cut (Rb) in 44s. Pair level. Both shaped nicely.    

Coorg General (Rb) &
My Life My Rules (T Pavan) in 39.5s. The former was easily 1 lengths ahead.    

Sheeba (Akash Agarwal) in 53s; (600m) 37s. An excellent display.                
Dhurandar (Rb) in 59s; (600m) 42s. Moved fluently.    
Sarvottam (J Paswan) in 54s; (600m) 39s. Impressed.    
Indian Patriot (Md Imran Ashraff) in 50s; (600m) 36s. An excellent display.    

Blue Blossom (P Kiran Rai) &
Colossal (Prabhu Kumar) in 59s; (600m) 43.5s. Pair level. Both shaped nicely.    

Gabriella (P Kiran Rai) in 59s; (600m) 41-5s.  Moved freely.    
Aquila D' Oro (S R Santosh Kumar) in 57s; (600m) 40s. Shaped nicely.    

Gentleman's Word (Rb) &
The Flying Feet (Rb) in 1-0s; (600m) 43s. Pair level. Both moved fluently.    

Code Of Honour (Madhusudan) in 1-15s; (800m) 59s; (600m) 44s. Easy.    
Land Of Gold (Rb) in 1-10s; (800m) 53s; (600m) 38s. Worked attractively.    
Brave Trooper (Md Imran Ashraff) in 1-7s; (800m) 52s; (600m) 37s. An excellent display.    
Swaghatham (Md Imran Ashraff) in 1-14s; (800m) 56s; (600m) 40s. Moved fluently.    

Prince Corporate (J Paswan) in 1-24s; (1000m) 1-6s; (800m) 51s; (600m) 37s. An excellent display.