Track Details

of Mysore on 21/11/2023

Outer Sand Track

County's Verse (Rb) in 42s. Worked well.    
Catalina (Rb) in 45s.  Moved nicely.    
Squanto (P. Kiran Rai) in 42.5s.  Moved freely.    
Chilly Breeze (Rb) in 44s. Was handy.    
Blue Origin (Rb) in 45s. Easy.    
Gods Power (Md. Mushraff) in 41.5s. Shaped nicely.    
Athulya (Md. Mushraff) in 41s. Shaped nicely.    
Elevado (Rb) in 45s.  Moved freely.    

Beautiful Oblivion (P. Kiran Rai) in 57.5s; (600m) 41s. Shaped nicely.                
Anushtubha (J. Paswan) in 56s; (600m) 41s. Un-Extended    
Real Show (P. Kiran Rai) in 58s; (600m) 41s. Fit.    

The Flying Feet (Rb) &
Gentlemen's Word (Rb) in 1-0s; (600m) 44s. Pair level. Both shaped nicely.    

Algoze (Sham Kumar) in 1-5s; (800m) 51.5s; (600m) 39s. Impressed.    
Shivalik Sound (Rb) in 1-15s; (800m) 57s; (600m) 40s. Shaped nicely.                
Stone House (P. Kiran Rai) in 1-15s; (800m) 58s; (600m) 41s. Fit.    

Dallas (Rb) &
One Diamond (Faiz) in 1-11s; (800m) 54s; (600m) 38s. Pair level. Both worked attractively.    

Living Doll (Faiz) &
Byson (Sham Kumar) in 1-8s; (800m) 54s; (600m) 41s. The former was easily 3 lengths ahead.