Track Details

of Bangalore on 23/11/2023

Outer Sand Track

Knight In Hooves (Vinod Shinde) in 45s. Was handy.     
Lord Frankel (D Patel) in 44s. Stretched.     

Synthesis (Suraj Narredu) in 1-11s; (600m) 45s. Shaped nicely.    
Timer'Splanet (Rayan Ahmed) in 1-15s; (600m) 45s. Extended.     
Divo (A R Pradeep) in 1-16s; (600m) 44s. Moved freely.         
Katana (A R Pradeep) in 1-13.5s; (600m) 43s. Stretched.     

Jamari (Kirtish Bhagat) in 1-30.5s; (1000m) 1-15.5s; (600m) 46s. Moved freely.     

Knotty Charmer (Antony Raj) in 1-42.5s; (1200m) 1-27.5s; (1000m) 1-13s; (600m) 43s. Shaped nicely.

Inner Sand Track

Tehani (Shreyas Singh) in 1-34s; (1200m) 1-20s; (1000m) 1-7s; (600m) 40s. Shaped nicely.

Gate practice

Inner Sand Track

Air Display (Vivek) &
Mega Success (V R Jagadeesh) in 1-37s; from 1400m to 600m 51.5s. Pair level. Both jumped out well.    

Madam Rich (Saddam H) &
Dun It Again (P Surya) in 1-36.5s; from 1400m to 600m 54.5s. The former was 8 lengths ahead. Both jumped out well.

Scarlette Lady (B Harish) &
Phoenix Tower - Lilly Fa Pootz (Chethan Kalay) in 1-40s; from 1400m to 600m 56.5s. Pair level. Both jumped out well.    

Rieko (Antony Raj) &
Makoto (R Girish) in 1-37.5s; from 1400m to 600m 52.5s. The former was 5 lengths ahead. Both jumped out well.    

Run For The Sun (Antony Raj) &
Knotty Legend (Chethan Kalay) in 1-34.5s; from 1400m to 600m 52s. The former was 3 lengths ahead. Both jumped out well.    

Storm Shadow (B Harish) &
Honest Desire (Antony Raj) in 1-39.5s; from 1400m to 600m 52s. Pair level. Both jumped out well.    

Golden Legend (Chethan Kalay) &
Bharat (Antony Raj) in 1-40.5s; from 1400m to 600m 56.5s. The former was 3 lengths ahead. Both jumped out well