Track Details

of Bangalore on 21/11/2023

Outer Sand Track

Chisox (Rb) in 45.5s. Pushed.    
Touch Of Grey (Suraj Narredu) in 45.5s. Moved smoothly.    

Arabian Gulf-Duma (Suraj Narredu) &
Global Influence (Siddaraju P) in 45s. Pair level. Both moved smoothly.        

Sheer Bliss (Saddam H) in 1-15.5s; (600m) 43.5s. Fit.    
Bold Act (Siddaraju P) in 1-13.5s; (600m) 43.5s. Stretched.
Forty Niner (Tousif Khan) in 1-13.5s; (600m) 43.5s. Fit.
Queen Of Kyiv (Suraj Narredu) in 1-14s; (600m) 44s. Shaped nicely.                

Excellent Art-Ray Of Light (Salman Khan) &
Priceless Prince (Suraj Narredu) in 1-15s; (600m) 44.5s. Pair level. Both moved nicely.

Peyo (M Prabhakaran) &
Fearless Joey (Vinod Shinde) in 1-15s; (600m) 44.5s. Pair level. Both moved nicely.

Fiero-Latin Love (Trevor Patel) in 1-30s; (1000m) 1-13.5s; (600m) 44s. Was handy.                

Bruce Almigty (Salman Khan) &
Magnus (Arshad Alam) in 1-29s; (1000m) 1-11.5s; (600m) 42.5s. Pair level. Both worked attractively.      

Arod-Iris Lombardia (Trevor Patel) &
Leitir Mor-Combardia (Kirtish Bhagat) in 1-30s; (1000m) 1-15s; (600m) 45s. The former was easily 4 lengths ahead.    

Imperial Blue (Rb) in 1-44.5s; (1200m) 1-30s; (1000m) 1-15s; (600m) 45.5s. Moved on the bit.    
Ruling Dynasty (Antony Raj) in 1-40.5s; (1200m) 1-26.5s; (1000m) 1-12s; (600m) 43s. Fit.
Snowpiercer (Shreyas Singh) in 1-40.5s; (1200m) 1-27s; (1000m) 1-14s; (600m) 45.5s. Stretched.    
Measure Of Time (Arshad Alam) in 1-42.5s; (1200m) 1-26s; (1000m) 1-12s; (600m) 44s. Shaped nicely.

Inner Sand Track

Sassy (Shreyas Singh) in 1-9s; (600m) 38.5s. Shaped nicely.

Gate PracticeE 

Inner Sand Track

Galactical (Arvind Kumar N) in 1-20s; from 1200m to 600m 38s. Jumped out well.                

Anne Boleyn (Tousif Khan) &
Bowen (Antony Raj) in 1-27s; from 1200m to 600m 38.5s. The former was 3 lengths ahead. Both jumped out well.     

Whatsthescript-One Punch (Saddam H) &
First Royalist (Rb) in 1-27s; from 1200m to 600m 43.5s. Pair level. Both jumped out well.     

Total Gallery-Xtreme (A Ramu) &
Moonlight Magic-Navajo Dream (A R Pradeep) in 1-28s; from 1200m to 600m 46s. Pair level. Both jumped out well.    

Jersey King (Antony Raj) &
Anzac Parade (Tousif Khan) in 1-25s; from 1200m to 600m 41.5s. The former was 6 lengths ahead. Both jumped out well. 

Surfrider-Light (A Ramu) &
Shifting Power-Invicta (R Ravi) in 1-26s; from 1200m to 600m 45s. The former was 6 lengths ahead. Both jumped out well.     

Three Little Words (Saddam H) &
Crime Of Passion (Salman Khan) in 1-25.5s; from 1200m to 600m 41.5s. Pair level. Both jumped out well.

Leitir Mor-Eskdale (S Saqlain) &
Friya (A Velu) in 1-24.5s; from 1200m to 600m 40s. The former was 8 lengths ahead. Both jumped out well. 

Mazal Tov (Antony Raj) &
Russian Romance (Shreyas Singh) in 1-20s; from 1200m to 600m 37.5s. The former was a distance ahead. Both jumped out well. 

Whatsthescript-Ximena (A R Pradeep),
Cash Out (Rb) &
Burst Of Blaze (B Nayak) in 1-22.5s; from 1200m to 600m 40.5 Each was separated by a distance. All jumped out well.        

Sweet Kiss (V R Jagadeesh) &
Spirit Dancer (Rb) in 1-22.5s; from 1200m to 600m 39ss. The former was a distance ahead. Both jumped out well.     

Born Dancer (Rb) &
Dali-Annie Oakley (R Ravi) in 1-26s; from 1200m to 600m 43.5s. The former was 3 lengths ahead. Both jumped out well.     

Dawn Rising (Arshad Alam) &
Flying Brave (Salman Khan) in 1-22s; from 1200m to 600m 40.5s. The former was a distance ahead. Both jumped out well. 

Instructor (A Ramu),
Jokshan (Chethan Kalay) &
Blues Ballad (R Ravi) in 1-21.5s; from 1200m to 600m 38.5s. They were separated by 8 lengths & 5 lengths. All jumped out well. 

Tenth Star-Sancerre (Saddam H),
Phoenix Tower-Glorious Light (P Surya) &
Whatsthescript-Loch Katrine (P Ramesh) in 1-29s; from 1200m to 600m 44s. They were separated by 2 lengths & a distance. All jumped out well.

Win Legend-Adoring Bay (Shreyas Singh),
Worldly Wise (A R Pradeep) &
Elfin Knight (S Saqlain) in 1-22.5s; from 1200m to 600m 40s. They were separated by 2 lengths & 3 lengths. All jumped out well.