Track Details

of Bangalore on 08/11/2023

Outer Sand Track

Armstrong (Tousif Khan) in 46s. Easy.    
Noble Ruler (V R Jagadeesh) in 44.5s. Stretched.    
Southern Power (Tousif Khan) in 45s. Was handy.    

Forty Niner (Tousif Khan) in 1-15s; (600m) 46s. Pushed.                    
Je Ne Sais Quoi (B L Paswan) in 1-16s; (600m) 45s. Moved freely.    

Priceless Gold (Suraj Narredu) &
Peyo (Vinod Shinde) in 1-14.5s; (600m) 43s. Pair level. Both moved fluently.     

Bourbon Bay (V R Jagadeesh) &
Quick Witted (Rb) in 1-16s; (600m) 44s. The former was easily 5 lengths ahead.    

Southern Dynasty (Darshan R N) in 1-29.5s; (1000m) 1-14.5s; (600m) 44.5s. Moved nicely.

Inner Sand Track

Limited Edition (B L Paswan) in 39.5s. Moved fluently.               
Four Wheel Drive (Tousif Khan) in 40s. Moved fluently.     

Sheer Bliss (Vinod Shinde) &
Super Sapphire (Suraj Narredu) in 40s. Pair level. Both moved fluently.    

Pharazon (Rozario) &
Tankinika (Rb) in 40s. The former was easily 1 length ahead.    

Gate Practice 

Inner Sand Track

Never Give In (Antony Raj) in 1-27s; from 1200m to 600m 44.5s. Jumped out well.    

Southern Force (Tousif Khan) &
Superhero (Rb) in 1-25s; from 1200m to 600m 41.5s. The former was 6 lengths ahead. Both jumped out well.    

Art Of Romance (A Ashok Kumar) &
Phoenomenon (Tousif) in 1-21s; from 1200m to 600m 41s. The former was 6 lengths ahead. Both jumped out well.