Track Details

of Delhi on 30/09/2023

Inner Sand Track

Master Van Dyck (N S Rathore) in 30s. Was handy.
Lemon Pie (Ranjeet) in  27s. Moved attractively.
My Armour (Pawan) in  27s. Moved attractively.
Beejay (Sunny) in  27s. Moved attractively.
King's Crazy (Sunny) in 31s. Was handy.
Jet Space (Naresh) in 30s. Easy.
Franco (Aman) in  29s. Was handy.
Big Daddy(Ankit) in  27s. Moved attractively.
Moriseiki  (Afzal ) in 31s. Was handy.
Jeweller (Sunny) in  31s. Easy.
Scotchy (Rb) in  28s. Moved well.
Bahadur( Dilip) in 28s. Moved well.
Rocket Pandey (Shivam) in 29s. Moved on the bit.
Noble (Rb) in 30s. Easy.
Racing Boy (R Saini) in  29s. Was handy.
Stride Away (Rb) in 27s. Moved well. 
Cash In Hand (Naresh) in  27s. Moved attractively.
Victorious King (Sandeep) in  29s. Moved freely.
Cuncho( deepak) in  29s. Was handy.
Lightning Speed (R Saini) in  30s. Very easy..

Shamshera (Jai) and 
Estrella Star (Faizan) in 27s. Pair level. Both moved attractively. 

Horse o War (Amjad) and 
currency (Jai) in 27s. Pair level. Both moved attractively.