Track Details

of Calcutta on 30/09/2023

Outer Sand Track

Mount Reno  (V Jaswal) in 33s. Easy.
Full Volume (Rb) in 34s. Easy.
Gael (Nikhil Naidu) in 33s. Unextened 
Harvestime (P Tejeswar) in 34s. Unextened. 
Zuma (Rb) in 34s. Unextened.
Regency Gold (Prathvi Singh) in 33s. Easy
Ticker (V Jaswal) in 32s. Freely.
Mezcal (V Jaswal) in 32s. Easy.
Morning Star (V Jaswal) in 33s. Easy.  

Macchiato (Rb) in 47s; (400m) 31s. Freely.
Long Lease (P Tejeswar) in 48s; (400m) 31s. Easy.
Basharat (Rb) in 44s; (400m) 29s. Worked well.
Indian Tiger (V Jaswal) in 45s; (400m) 29s. Moved nicely.

Chic (S Rathor) &
Valnerina (P Tejeswar) in 47s; (400m) 31s. The former was easily 1 length ahead.

Ganadora (Rb) &
Blue Chip (S Rathor) in 48s; (400m) 31s. The former was 2 lengths ahead.

Angel Light (Arman Khan) &
114 David Livingston - Satwa Pearl (I Khan) in 48s; (400m) 30s. The former was 3 lengths ahead. 

Magnite (Rb) in 1-0s; (600m) 45s; (400m) 30s. Shaped well.
Hellblazer (Rupal Singh) in 1-3s; (600m) 46s; (400m) 30s. Freely.
Siege Perilous (Nikhil Naidu) in 1-2s; (600m) 47s; (400m) 32s. Freely. 
Rodrigo (Rupal Singh) in 59.5s; (600m) 46s; (400m) 31s. Moved on the bit.

Swift Lady (Prathvi Singh) in 1-17s; (800m) 1-0s; (600m) 45s; (400m) 30s. Spurted nicely. 

Inner Sand Track

Big Brown (Rb) in 1-16s; (800m) 59s; (600m) 44s; (400m) 30s. Freely. 

Gate practice

Outer Sand Track

Hidden Gold (P Tejeshwar) in from 2,000m to 400m 38s. Jumped out well.