Track Details

of Hyderabad on 27/09/2023

Sand Track

Thanks (Apprentice) in 59s; (600m) 43s. Moved well. 
Shubhrak (S Prakash) in 1-2s; (600m) 47s. Fit. 
Nishaan (Kuldeep S) in 58s; (600m) 43s. Fit. 
Morior Invictus (Md Ismail) in 1-1s; (600m) 46s. Fit. 
Sweet Talk (Asbar) in 58s; (600m) 43s. Very fit. 
First Class (Rb) in 1-1s; (600m) 45s. Moved well. 
Zohra (Mohit S) in    1-1s; (600m) 45s. Moved well. 

Forever Bond (S Prakash) in 1-13s; (800m) 56s; (600m) 43s. Pleased.
Superstellar (Apprentice) in 1-13s; (800m) 58s; (600m) 44s. Very fit.
Ashwa Morocco (B R Kumar) in 1-12s; (800m) 57s; (600m) 43s. Very fit. 
Final Judgement (P Ajeeth) in 1-13s; (800m) 56s; (600m) 43s. Moved well. 
Exclusive Luck (Md Ismail) in 1-14s; (800m) 59s; (600m) 44s. Moved well. 
New Look (B Nikhil) in 1-15s; (800m) 58s; (600m) 43s. Easy.
Gretsy (A Imran K) in 1-14s; (800m) 59s; (600m) 44s. Easy. 
Miss Little Angel (B R Kumar) in 1-13s; (800m) 58s; (600m) 42s. Fit. 
Icicle (Tograllu) in 1-15s; (800m) 59s; (600m) 44s. Moved easy. 
Nightmare (Naresh) in 1-13s; (800m) 57s; (600m) 44s. Moved easy.

Cash Register (Apprentice) and    
Magical Power (S Prakash) in 1-14s; (800m) 59s; (600m) 44s. They were level.  

Sun Dancer (Afroz K) and    
Miss Marvellous (A Imran K) in 1-3s; (800m) 57s; (600m) 43s. They were level. Both moved very well. 

Tripurari (B Nikhil) and    
Top Secret (Naresh) in 1-15s; (800m) 59s; (600m) 44s. They were level. Both are looking fit. 
Its On (Naresh) and    
Blazing Gun (B Nikhil) in 1-15s;  (800m) 58s; (600m) 44s. They were level. Both moved well.

City Of Bliss (Mohit S) and    
Aurele (Sai Kumar) in 1-15s; (800m) 59s; (600m) 44s. They were level. 

Burgundy Black (B Nikhil) and
Jet Falcon (Naresh) in 1-15s; (800m) 59s; (600m) 44s. They were level. 
Angel Tesoro (B R Kumar) and    
Riffa (K Mukesh) in 1-16s; (800m) 59s; (600m) 44s. The former was a length better. 

It's My Life (B Nikhil) and    
Carnival Lady (Apprentice) in 1-16s; (800m) 59s; (600m) 44s. The former was a length better.