Track Details

of Calcutta on 22/09/2023

Outer Sand Track

Twenty-Six Black (Arman Khan) in 29.5s. Moved nicely.
Hellblazer (Rupal Singh) in 32s. Easy.
Morning Line (Rb) in 32s. Un-extended.
Macchiato (Rb) in 31.5s. Easy.
Impermanence (Rupal Singh) in 31.5s. Easy.
Tres Bien (Rb) in 31s. Freely.
Rimel (Md Imran) in 32.5s. Easy.
Eagles Way (Rb) &
Monfortino (Sujit Paswan) in 31.5s. Pair level. Both were easy.
Whistle Blower (Rupal Singh) &
Rodrigo (Rb) in 33s. Pair level. Both were handy.
Thalames (S Rathore) &
Zuma (P Tejeshwar) in 31s. The former was 5 lengths ahead. The former was easy. 
Dr Doom (Rb) in 45s; (400m) 26s. Moved nicely.
Jinsoku (Prathvi Singh) in 44.5s; (400m) 27.5s. Moved nicely.
Full Volume (Rb) in 46s; (400m) 29s. Freely.
Spacecraft (Abhishek Habbu) in 48s; (400m) 32s. Eased up.
Stockbridge (S Rathore) &
Awesome One (P Tejeshwar) in 56s; (600m) 41.5s; (400m) 25s. The former was far better.
Blue Chip (Rb) &
Ganadora (S Rathore) in 1-1s; (600m) 45.5s; (400m) 27.5s. The former was half-a-length ahead. The former moved nicely.
Hornbill (P Tejeshwar) &
Tactical Command (S Rathore) in 1-3s; (600m) 45s; (400m) 27.5s. The former was started 3 lengths behind and easily 3 lengths ahead.
Drd (I Khan) &
Angel Light (Arman Khan) in 1-2.5s; (600m) 46s; (400m) 29s. Pair level. Both were easy.
Sandrine (Prathvi Singh) in 1-18s; (800m) 1-3s; (600m) 47.5s; (400m) 31.5s. Un-extended.
Torino (Abhishek Habbu) in 1-32s; (1000m) 1-15s; (800m) 57.5s; (600m) 43s; (400m) 26.5s. Worked attractively.
La Dominate (P Tejeshwar) &
Hidden Gold (S Rathore) in 1-32s; (1000m) 1-15s; (800m) 57.5s; (600m) 42s; (400m) 26.5s. The former was 3 lengths ahead. The former worked attractively.
Basharat (Sujit Paswan) in 1-46.5s; (1200m) 1-34s; (1000m) 1-29s; (800m) 1-3.5s; (600m) 49s; (400m) 33s. Easy.

Inner Sand Track

Swift Lady (Prathvi Singh) in 48s; (400m) 30s. Freely.
Xtravagent Star (Rb) in 41s; (400m) 27s. Moved Well.
Devine Chakra (Rb) in 46s; (400m) 30.5s. Un-extended.