Track Details

of Delhi on 13/09/2023

Inner sand Track

She's A Beauty (Ankit) in 30s. Easy.
Victorious King (Sandeep) in 29s. Handy.
Attenbourough (Shekhawat) in 31s. Handy.
Maya (Muzamil) in 31s. Easy.
Listen To Me (Sandeep) in 28s. Very easy.
My Armour (Rb) in 27s. Worked attractively.
Astronaut (Jai) in 31s. Easy.
Big Tymer (Sunny) in  28s. Moved on the bit.
Master of Success (Mohan) in 30s. Handy.
Gold Gray (Rb) in 30s. Handy.
Caesar's Palace (Rb) in 29s. Handy.
Kings Crazy (Sunny) in  29s. Moved on the bit.
Alex (Muzamil) in 29s. Handy.
virangna (Ankit) in 28s. Handy.
Ashwa Tejveer (Rb) in  30s. Easy.
Master Stepper (NS rathore) in 31s. Easy.
Diamondintherough ( R saini) in 27s. Moved well.
More Bucks  (Ankit) in 30s. Easy.

Oralie (Ishwar) &
Lodgekeeper (Lalkar) in  27s. Pair level. Both worked attractively.

Ustadji (Jai) &
Cashier (Arun) in 31s. Pair level. Both were easy.