Track Details

of Delhi on 06/09/2023

Inner Sand Track

Alex (Rb) in 29s. Was handy.
My Armour (Dilip) in 27s. Moved nicely.
Lightning Speed (R saini) in 30s. Was handy.
Gunpoint (Rb) in 28s. Moved nicely.
Estrella Star (Rb) in 28s. More in hand.
Jet Space (Naresh) in 31s. Was handy.

Shamshera (Rb) & 
Secret Pilgrim (Jai) in 31s. Pair level. Both were very easy.

Nizbati Warrior (Riazuddin) & 
Master Stoute (N S rathore) in 27s. The former was easily 2 lengths ahead.

Master Stepper (Riazuddin) & 
Master Cowboy (Rb) in 27s. Pair level. Both moved nicely. 

Pamperd Princess (K Narender),
Dus Numbery (Rakesh) & 
My Addiction (Praveen) in 28s. They were almost level.