Track Details

of Delhi on 04/09/2023

Inner Sand Track

Listen To Me (Akash) in 30s. Freely.
Diamondintherough (R saini) in 28s. More in hand.
Daring Diva (Rb) in 29s. Worked well.
Successful (Narender) in 28s. More in hand.
Ashwa samira (MB Qureshi) in 28s.  Moved nicely.
Alex (Shaaliyar) in 29s. Was handy.
Conquering Bid (Rb) in 28s. Was handy.
Maya (faizan) in 28s. fully in hands.
Ashwa Kohima (Varun) in 28s. Un-extended.  

Kaka (Apprentice), 
Mr Christopher (Ranjeet) & 
Jaat Hero( Ankit) in 30s. They were separated by a nose and 4 lengths.